Night to Unite (formerly National Night Out) is held each year on the first Tuesday in August. Neighborhoods are asked to turn on their outside lights and spend the evening getting acquainted with each other. Whether you are an organized Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) group, or just thinking about organizing, it is important to talk with your neighbors to find out what is going on. This is an evening when neighbors throughout the city, state and country gather to get to know one another and promote Community Safety.
If neighbors organize their efforts to be vigilant of each other’s property, it will likely result in the reduction of criminal incidents. You can send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and looking out for one another. We, at Gaughan Association Management, support this effort and hope many of our communities choose to come together on this night in some way. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate party or gathering, but here are some ideas of what other communities are doing:
- Ice Cream Social
- Bike Parade- Have the kids on your street decorate their bikes and parade them through the neighborhood at a specified time.
- Pot Luck Supper
- Ask people to contribute $5.00 per person and order pizza.
- Bubbles and Sidewalk Chalk
- Inflatables and a DJ
Whatever is appropriate for your demographic and budget- it doesn’t need to be elaborate. The point is to come together and get to know each other.
Check with your city to see if they participate in Night to Unite, as many cities do, and they will even have the Fire Department, Police Department, and other city representatives attend your party! You may need to register your party with the city, but what a great way to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. Also check with your local businesses as many sponsor or will donate money or items towards Night to Unite parties.
Hope to see you all out getting to know each other on Tuesday, August 1st!