This year we have partnered with Hantho Outdoor Services as one of our snow removal vendors. They are leading the industry with cutting edge technology and exceptional customer service. When we recently spoke with Charles Gossip (owner) and Michael Vollmers (account manager) about building relationships and ways of partnering together to meet our clients’ needs, not only were they receptive, they were active in discussing options and capabilities needed to improve the level of service and quality that we are striving for.
Liquid pre-treating allows melting to sidewalk and parking lot surfaces as soon as any precipitation begins. The benefits to moving from the traditional granular treatments to liquid pre-treating are astounding.
Below are pictures taken at the same time following the storm that came through this past weekend (courtesy of Hantho). You can easily see the difference between the sidewalks that had been pre-treated in comparison to those that had not.
Pre-treating prevents snow and ice from adhering to the surfaces making the snow removal process easier. This has proven to be instrumental in decreasing slip and fall incidents in areas where snow and ice pose issues in our region.
The knowledge gained from this partnership has positioned our organization in excelling our service to next level.